Thursday, January 8, 2015

Collegiate Recovery Programs

Collegiate recovery programs are a new concept for me.  I discovered of their existence in 2014. Only about 50 U.S. colleges and universities offer these programs to support college students who are recovering from alcoholism and drug abuse.

If you consider the usual images of college social life, they often focus on heavy drinking and experimentation with illicit drugs.  College can be a tough place for a student in recovery.  Collegiate recovery programs help provide a range of services to assist students in recovery.  Most require a student to have been in recovery for a minimum of 6 months.  Some provide counseling.  Almost all seek to provide social gatherings and academic advising that take the special needs of students in recovery into account.

Georgia offers such programs at Georgia Southern University (with students from East Georgia College also served) and Kennesaw State University with a new effort/program at the University of Georgia.

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